Originally founded in 2005 in Sri Lanka, the International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS) conference is now a well reputed event occurring every two years on the island of Sri Lanka covering all aspects of automation, information and communications, sustainability.
Following its inception, the focus of the conference remains on automation, information and communications, sustainability, systems modelling, design and Implementation of a wide range of applications.
The theme of ICIAfS is Sustainable Development through Effective Man-machine Co-existence. The theme envisions to bring together a diverse group of academic researchers and industrial partners to discuss matters related to development and poverty alleviation through technologies that can empower the lives of people in their own localities, social structures, and cultures. In the past, the conference has addressed issues such as intelligent systems and soft computing in tele-medicine, weather forecasting, and agriculture, using mobile communication to empower farmers and fishermen to be responsive to market opportunities, usage of nano-technology to improve efficiency in machines and to reduce material wastage, socially relevant early warning systems and real-time disaster response management systems, environmentally friendly mechanisms for humanitarian demining, sustainable power and energy etc. Therefore the conference has tried to cross-fertilize academic groups specializing in areas that can potentially serve the above theme.
ICIAfS in the past has been technically co-sponsored by IEEE, IEEE region 10, IEEE Sri Lanka section, IEEE Chinese Section and its societies such as CIS, IES, R&A, SMC and PES. Incidentally the ICIAfS became the first international conference to be sponsored by IEEE Sri Lanka Section and by the IEEE region 10.
Please Refer the following site : http://spsr.sltc.ac.lk/events/iciafs-2021/